Wednesday, May 13, 2020

What is Panchakarma Treatment and Why Panchakarma treatment

What is Panchakarma Treatment 

Panchakarma, a an ancient Indian system of medical treatment has many benefits.

Its a healing practice that’s been used for thousands of years. Panchakarma as a line of treatment is quite popular in India and rest of the world is catching up to its benefits.
Panchakarma like Ayurveda treats the root cause of the disease. Physical ailments contain emotional roots, making symptoms messengers of stress. Instead of treating the symptoms, however, Ayurvedic medicine uses a holistic approach to find the root cause.

Panchakarma therapies include holistic Ayurvedic detoxification process. Its benefits far outweigh the treatment, but you have to be ready for it.

Panchakarma treatments includes

Pancha Means Five and Karma Means Action. So, there are five ayurveda detoxification methods included in a Panchakarma cleansing treatment. Depending on your specific needs and your practitioner’s guidance, you’ll undergo series of treatments.

  1. Vaman (Medicated Vomiting) : Induces purging for the upper gastrointestinal tract, respiratory area, and stomach.
  2. Virechan (Therapeutic Purgation) : Cleanses the lower gastrointestinal tract to the end of the stomach from toxins.
  3. Anuvasan Basti (Oil Enema) : Medicated oil for rectal detoxification
  4. Shodhan Basti (Decoction Enema) : Cleanses toxins in the colon and anus
  5. Nasya (Nasal Cleansing) : Cleanses the nasal Passage, aids the respiratory tract and treats sinus-related conditions.

It’s obvious that this form of detoxification is not like the herbal products you’ll find in health food stores.
Ayurvedic detox is what true detox is about. This cleansing can impact your psychological, emotional, physical, spiritual, and energetic health in a way that helps you know why it’s been around so long.

Can I do panchakarma at home?

The Panchakarma detox is best supervised by an Ayurvedic practitioner for many reasons. Here’s why.

The Body’s Complex

Symptoms are treated holistically in Ayurvedic medicine, which means ailments have many factors. Initial intakes give your practitioner a thorough picture of your pain and lead them to the right methods accordingly.
For example, even if you don’t see a method specific to low back pain, Panchakarma cleansing offers a great relief to lower back pain treatment. Ayurvedic healers know the correlation between systems, which allows you to fully surrender to the process.

Detoxification procedures are complex

Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment requires a greater commitment than taking pills. Due to its rigor on the body, there must be a willingness to address the pain more deeply.
Following the detox, there’s a recovery period. This recovery period includes reassessing lifestyle choices. After all, finding balance in your life creates balance in the body.
Diet changes, exercise habits, and mindfulness practices are part of the detox recovery plan, but there’s no need to do it alone.

Requires Holistic Knowledge and Applications of Therapies

The above methods offer internal and external forms of detoxing, so finding the right combination is crucial to attacking your discomforts head-on.
It’s true that the only way out of pain is through it. The good news is that where there’s a will, there’s a way, and that way is through Panchakarma treatment.
Ayurveda All the Way
With mass misinformation around what detox means these days, Panchakarma treatment is the way back to truth. Ayurvedic detox can result in the following things.
A deeper connection to your mind, body, spirit, and their interconnection
Greater hope for—and belief in—alternative healing methods
A true understanding of the word detox
A greater resonance with holistic lifestyles
Newfound mindfulness practice(s)
If you’ve thought about Panchakarma treatment, this is your sign. It’s time.

For More Ayurveda Therapies and Panchakarma Treatment, Visit Panchakarma Treatment in Delhi by Maharishi Ayurveda.